May Film Screening

Godfrey Dean Art Gallery and SPHERU present: Belong Where You Find Yourself Film Screening - viewings in Regina and Saskatoon

Talking about Driving and Dementia

Prepared for Canada Road Safety week, this podcast produced by the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation explores driving and dementia

Employment Opportunities

The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan -- a RaDAR Community partner -- is recruiting for a number of permanent, full-time positions.

Research Funding available

In collaboration with Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan offers Saskatchewan researchers funding support for Alzheimer and Dementia-related research. Eligibility Check deadline: Sept 29th, 2022

Employment Opportunity

Our community partner, Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, is accepting applications for five positions

Participants Needed

University of Saskatchewan School of Public Health researcher team needs participants for a rural transportation services study - Updated January 2021

Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan

University of Regina based project team aiming to enhance social inclusion of older adults with dementia living in rural communities in Saskatchewan - sign up for their newsletter!

Participate in Dementia Journey Survey

Two versions of the survey are available: one for people living with dementia, and one for caregivers of people with dementia. The study leads are looking to better understand the care you receive from your health care provider with a goal to develop new dementia care resources.

Online Workshop Opportunity

Promising Practices and Next Steps: Under Reporting of Abuse of Community Residing Older Adults -- November 23rd 1:30 to 3:30 pm CST

First Link Report Released

RaDAR community partner, the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, released their First Link Highlight Report. The report shares their successes supporting people with dementia across the province.

Marjory's Story

Daughter Leanne and health care provider Jean Daku are featured guests on a podcast produced by Dementia Dialogue. Listen as they share the story of how the rural primary health care memory clinic in her hometown of Kipling provided support to Marjory and her family.

Research Webinar July 9th

Join in as RaDAR team member Dr. Megan O'Connell presents - From 0 to 100 in Remote Dementia Research: A Practical Guide.

RRMC2.0 Project Receives Sprout Grant

RaDAR investigator, Dr. Megan O'Connell, leads $180,000 grant for RRMC2.0 project which will use technology to help overcome barriers to care for rural individuals and families, and will coordinate their access to dementia diagnosis and management across the province.

Participate and Share Your Opinion

Dementia Advocacy Canada is working to identify the best programs and services to support Canadians living with dementia and their families - participate now in this national survey - closes March 1, 2020

Embracing Research in Rural Dementia Care

Jennifer Hill is a Primary Health Care Facilitator based out of Weyburn for the Saskatchewan Health Authority and a community-based research partner with the RaDAR Team. She is also a private practitioner with ThornHill Counselling and is Vice-President of the South East Branch of the Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers.

RaDAR Team Research Video

RaDAR produced video highlights research collaboration with rural primary health care teams in Saskatchewan

Launch of RRMCi

Project launches with a sleep intervention study for older adults with cognitive concerns, or dementia, and their caregivers

Driving and Dementia Presentation

Tuesday, May 16th, from 7 to 9 pm the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan presents An Evening of Education (via TeleHealth at sites across Saskatchewan)

Canadian Senate releases report calling for National Dementia Strategy.

Members of the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology made 29 recommendations to improve the quality of dementia care and research in Canada in an extensive report released November 2016, called Dementia in Canada: A National Strategy for Dementia-Friendly Communities.