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Addressing Unique Demands in Dementia Care

Co-edited by Dr. Debra Morgan, newly released publication is an important resource for rural and remote dementia care.

By RaDAR Website

March 2022 UPDATE: Book review by Rachel Herron published in the March issue of Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, v41(1). Read the full review.

"This book is the first edited collection to focus on rural and remote dementia care. Even more importantly, it does so with attention to the diversity of, and within, rural places." - from reviewer Rachel V. Herron in Canadian Journal on Aging.


June 2021 UPDATE: On June 16th a virtual book launch was held for the book. Contributors Dr. Anthea Innes, Dr. Jane Farmer, and dementia advocate Kate Swaffer explored some of the challenges of remote and rural dementia care, and hosted a Q&A session with participants. The book launch was presented by the Social Innovation Research Institute and APO.


Policy Press publishers recently released Remote and Rural Dementia Care: Policy, Research and Practice. The publication incorporates an international perspective to the issue of dementia care for those living and working in rural and remote communities.

Co-editors include University of Saskatchewan Professor and Chair of Rural Health Delivery, and RaDAR lead Dr. Debra Morgan, Dr. Anthea Innes from the University of Salford, and Dr. Jane Farmer from the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne.

Dr. Morgan explains that the publication will be a valuable resource for researchers, policy makers, and those interested in the unique situations faced by remote and rural communities addressing dementia care service needs. "While the contributors to this publication provide a wealth of evidence and experiences from different countries and regions, there are important common threads about the challenges and complexities that rural and remote communities face in addressing dementia care. Opportunities for innovation and creativity are also born in the crucible, if you will, of these remote communities and it is important to share these strategies further afield."

"It was a pleasure to collaborate as co-editor with these exceptional researchers on this publication", says Dr. Morgan "I believe that this work will be an invaluable contribution to the field of remote and rural dementia care, and I'm so pleased that we have the opportunity to highlight our team's Saskatchewan-based rural dementia research in this international publication." Ongoing support from the University of Saskatchewan and funders of the RaDAR team including Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation have helped support visits from both Dr. Innes and Dr. Farmer who have both travelled to Saskatoon to foster research partnerships and collaborate with the RaDAR team. Dr. Morgan has also travelled on sabbatical to the UK to meet with Dr. Innes and her team.

More about the publication including the Table of Contents, and how to order your copy.