Employment Opportunity
Our community partner, Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, is accepting applications for five positions
By RaDAR Website-- We are sharing news of this opportunity on behalf of our community partners, the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan. Content below is provided by the Society.
The Alzheimer Society programs and services team is currently accepting applications for 5 positions within our organization.
- Diagnosis and Support Coordinator .75 FTE 28 hrs/week) temporary to May 31, 2022
- Cypress First Link Coordinator .8 FTE (4 days/week) permanent based in Swift Current
- Prairie North First Link Coordinator .8 FTE (4 days/week) permanent based in the Battleford
- Saskatoon First Link Coordinator, full time permanent based in Saskatoon
- Revenue Development Coordinator, full time permanent based in Regina
The job postings can currently be found on their website https://alzheimer.ca/sk/en/about-us/our-people/career-opportunities
Be sure to check their website for application deadline dates - some close July 21, 2021, others close July 30, 2021.
Diagnosis and Support Coordinator
The Diagnosis and Support Coordinator (DSC) is responsible for supporting people experiencing warning signs to understand the importance of getting a diagnosis, empower them to work with physicians to get a diagnosis and refer those experiencing challenges in getting a diagnosis to the Rural and Remote Memory Clinic 2.0 (RRMC2.0). The DSC will support the Alzheimer Society physician education initiative.
Cypress First Link® Coordinator and
Prairie North First Link® Coordinator
Saskatoon First Link® Coordinator
In this exciting role, you will primarily support people living with dementia and their family caregivers. You will help build awareness with physicians, specialists and other health care providers about the First Link® direct referral program and how they can connect people with dementia and their families to the programs and services of the Alzheimer Society. You will also provide information, support and referral to Society and community programs and services throughout the progression of the disease.
Revenue Development Coordinator
The Revenue Development Coordinator (RDC) is responsible for executing the annual revenue plan that meets the Society’s needs on both a long and short-term basis in Saskatchewan. The RDC will be responsible for execution of the annual Gala in Regina, writing provincial Grants as applicable, cultivating and stewarding Monthly and Multi-Year Donors, Database Management, and Donor Stewardship strategies and initiatives. In addition, this position will be responsible for securing sponsorships related to these events in partnership with the Director of Revenue Development. The position calls for planning and implementing revenue development strategies that include a balanced portfolio of fundraising programs, effective utilization of staff and volunteer resources, ongoing evaluation of trends, donor stewardship and a donor-centric philosophy to fundraising.