Call for Adult Child Caregivers of people with Young-Onset Dementia
Participants needed for University of Waterloo student-led study to describe the perceptions of the caregiving role from the perspective of adult child young-onset dementia caregivers.
By RaDAR Website-- We are sharing news of this opportunity to particpate in a research study on behalf of researchers at University of Waterloo. Content below is provided by them.
Perceptions of the Caregiving Role Among Young-Onset Dementia Adult Child Caregivers. The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of the caregiving role from the perspective of adult child young-onset dementia caregivers. By gaining a better understanding of the experiences of caregiving among adult children of persons with young-onset dementia, we hope this knowledge can inform the development future age-appropriate assists/supports intended for this population. We are hoping you can assist us with identifying individuals who may be interested in participating in this study.
We would like to identify adult children who are caregivers for their parent with young-onset dementia. The adult children do not need to be the primary caregiver for their parent, so as long as they have had a caregiving experience within the past 2 years, they can participate in this study Specifically, we are looking for individuals who:
- Are over the age of 18
- Able to speak and understand English
- Able to provide informed consent
Individuals who are interested in taking part will be asked to complete an interview to learn more about their perceptions of caregiving. Interviews will be approximately 45-60 minutes long and will be conducted either over the phone or online (e.g., Zoom).
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee (ORE # 42823).
If you have any questions about this study, or would like additional information, please feel free to contact Camryn Berry at c3berry@uwaterloo.ca or (519) 503-2245 or project supervisor Dr. Carrie McAiney at carrie.mcainey@uwaterloo.ca or (519) 888-4567 ext. 45642.
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