Research Webinar July 9th

Join in as RaDAR team member Dr. Megan O'Connell presents - From 0 to 100 in Remote Dementia Research: A Practical Guide.

By RaDAR Website

July 16th Update: Dr. O'Connell's presentation was recorded. Access the recording and presentation materials on the CCNA Website.


On July 9th at 1:30 pm EDT (11:30 am SK time) the Canandian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) is holding it's first Talk Series webinar. The first guest presenter is RaDAR's own Dr. Megan O'Connell.

Dr. O'Connell is the lead of the CCNA Team 15 (co-lead Dr. Debra Morgan), and will be presenting: From 0 to 100 in Remote Dementia Research: A Practical Guide.

Want to participate? Preregistration is required.