photo of Dr. Allison Cammer
Dr. Allison Cammer

Dr. Allison Cammer receives SHRF Funding

RaDAR investigator, Dr. Allison Cammer, receives a Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Innovation Grant

By RaDAR Website
SHRF Announcement

On June 1, RaDAR Team Investigator, Dr. Allison Cammer, was announced as a receipient of a Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Innovation Grant.

SHRF Innovation Grants promote creative problem-solving to catalyze innovation ideas and approaches.

Dr. Cammer was awarded funding for her project: The Cognitive Kitchen: An Evidence-Based Nutrition and Socialization Program for Rural Caregiver Support

"This project aims to evaluate the impact and suitability of a nutrition and socialization intervention known as the 'Cognitive Kitchen': A program that supports the health and wellbeing of rural caregivers of those with dementia. Through rigorous examination of the Cognitive Kitchen program, researchers will evaluate the processes, feasibility, acceptability and outcomes of participation, with the goal of contributing to an understanding of rural caregivers' experiences and tailoring the program to other rural areas across Saskatchewan." - project summary provided on SHRF's site.

Congratulations Dr. Cammer!