Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan

University of Regina based project team aiming to enhance social inclusion of older adults with dementia living in rural communities in Saskatchewan - sign up for their newsletter!

By RaDAR Website

The RaDAR team is pleased to share that our colleagues with the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) at University of Regina are engaged in an important project to enhance social inclusion of older adults with dementia in Saskatchewan. Specifically, their project aims to address the needs of older adults living in small towns and rural communities in the province.

The team publishes a regular newsletter with updates about their work - be sure to sign up and subscribe to their newsletter to make sure you're kept up to date about their efforts to address the stigma and social isolation experienced by people with dementia and their care partners in Saskatchewan.

Learn more about the scope of the project on their website.

project team photo
Dr. Bonnie Jeffery, Dr. Tom McIntosh, and Dr. Nuelle
Novik (left to right) members of the project
management group. Photo: U of R Photography