Report is available on Public Health Agency of Canada's website

2021 Report on National Dementia Strategy Available

The 2021 Report to Parliament on Canada's National Dementia Strategy is now available, and an update on national public education campaign about dementia

By RaDAR Website

 2021 Report

2021 Report CoverThe 2021 Annual report to Parliment on Canada's national dementia stragey, A Dementia Strategy for Canada: Together We Achieve - 2021 Annual Report, is now available from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).


The report provides information about a number of dementia-related efforts conducting by different organizations across the country towards progress on Canada's 2019 dementia strategy: Together We Aspire. 

2019 Canadian Dementia Strategy Overview graphic

This year's report expands upon the number of data points shared in the 2020 report.

"Our ability to assess progress on the strategy's national objectives is tied to our capacity to monitor the state of dementia in Canada and its impact over time. The 2021 report almost doubles the number of data points compared to last year's report. It dives deeper into the results of PHAC's 2020 dementia baseline public opinion research, sharing responses from some of the populations identified as likely to be facing higher risks of developing dementia and / or facing barriers to care. Efforts on dementia need to consider how best to reach and support these populations so that we can move closer to health equity." --  The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, from Welcome Message in the 2021 report.



This video is part of a multi-media national advertising campaign taking place Jan 17 to Mar 13 across the country.

Awareness Campaign

The Public Health Agency of Canada has also launced an awareness campaign focused on reducing stigma about dementia, and education about how to support and interact with people living with dementia. The national campaign will take place from January 17 to March 13 on multiple platforms.

A public relations tour is taking place to the end of February 2022 with national spokerspersons Jay Ingram and François Morency, who both lost their mothers to dementia and will be sharing their stories.