A Dementia Strategy for Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada releases a national dementia strategy: Together We Aspire
By RaDAR Website
The Public Health Agency of Canada released the country's first national dementia strategy, developed with input from a variety of experts and stakeholders including people with dementia and their caregivers.
The vision of the strategy is of 'a Canada in which all people living with dementia and caregivers are valued and supported, quality of life is optimized, and dementia is prevented, well understood, and effectively treated.'
Intended to help guide actions at all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, and communities, the strategy identifies three national objectives:
- Prevent dementia
- Advance therapies and find a cure
- Improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and caregivers
One of the focus areas identified in the strategy is populations facing barriers to equitable care, including those who live in rural and remote communities. The strategy notes that in rural and remote areas "Health and social supports are typically more spare in rural and remote regions . . . which can result in people living with dementia having to leave their communities or travel long distances for care and supports".
Read the full strategy and learn more about Canada's priorities for dementia.

Image from national dementia strategy document - linked from https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/images/services/publications/diseases-conditions/dementia-strategy/Figure_1_ENG.png