Research Opportunity - Saskatchewan participants needed!

Seeking participants older than 65 living with dementia, and care partners, to take part in a RaDAR Team research study aiming to improve the care of older adults living with dementia across Canada during Covid-19.

By RaDAR Website


The Rural Dementia Action Research (RaDAR) Team invites you to participate in a research study.

Take part in an opportunity to share your experiences in a study aiming to improve the care of older adults with dementia during, and after, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research Participant Criteria:

  • A person living with dementia or a care partner to a person living with dementia, 
  • Older than 65 years old,
  • Living in Saskatchewan

You would be invited to participate in a 60-minute interview at a time that is most convenient for you. This would be by phone, or Zoom, as you prefer.

Sharing your experience will help us develop recommendations to improve health and social services that are offered for persons living with dementia and their care partners. We will share our recommendations with health and social care providers, government, and the general public!

Your participation would be completely voluntary.

Interested, or Want to Learn More?


 Download a PDF version of poster to print and share with others.

This research has been approved on ethical grounds by the University of Saskatchewan Behavioural Research Ethics Board. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office: or 306-966-2975; out of town participants may call toll free 1-888-966-2975. If you have any questions concerning the research project, please contact Juanita Bacsu at 306-966-5925.