image of title slide from presentation deck

Education Session: Medication and Substance-Induced Cognitive Impairment

An education session slide deck for health care providers about medications and substances which may cause or contribute to cognitive impairment

By RaDAR Team

Dr. Dallas Seitz, Geriatric Psychiatrist, Cumming School of Medicine at University of Calgary, provided an education session for health care professionals via web conference on February 26th, 2020. The session was not recorded, but Dr. Seitz has agreed to share his slide deck (2MB) from the session.

The session is focused on medications and substances which may cause or contribute to cognitive impairment, and developing an approach to managing individuals with substance induced cognitive impairment.

The information shared in the slide deck is for educational purposes of Saskatchewan Health Care providers only, and it is not intended as a replacement for consulting with your family health care provider or specialist. Any requests for further information should be directed to