Education Session: When to Refer to the various RRMCs
Dr. Megan O'Connell recorded this education session for health care providers about referral options available from RRMC
By RaDAR TeamRaDAR Investigator, and Rural and Remote Memory Clinic (RRMC) Neuropsychologist, Dr. Megan O'Connell presented this session live via Zoom on June 14th, 2022 to a group of primary health care providers. The session covered when to refer to specialty inter-professional rural and remote memory clinic, when to refer to remotely delivered suite of interventions, and a brief discussion of pilot of remote neuropsychology consultation service.
The video of her presentation is about 58 minutes in length.
This session is presented for education purposes. Please consult with your physician or healthcare professional regarding medical or health related advice specific to you.