The Occupational Hygiene Laboratory is part of the National Agricultural Industrial Hygiene Laboratory (NAIHL) of the Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health.  There are two laboratories that form the OHH laboratory.  The dry laboratory located in 1331 E-wing Health Sciences.  This laboratory houses the industrial hygiene monitoring equipment and accessories.  The wet laboratory located in 2D10 Health Sciences houses the activities for undertaking laboratory analysis of collected samples.  The OHH facilitates both field work and processing of field samples.  The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art sample collection and analysis equipment appropriate for assessing a vast array of physical, chemical and biological exposures.

Our laboratory focuses on occupational hygiene which maintains workplace health and safety by identifying, evaluating, and controlling exposure to chemical, physical, ergonomic and biological hazards to reduce stresses on the worker and implement control measures that will reduce the incidences of impaired health and sickness in agriculture and other rural based industries and populations.

Research Laboratories

Dry Lab (1331 E-Wing)

This laboratory is utilized for storing, maintaining, operationalizing and calibrating the exposure assessment equipment. 

Wet Lab (2D10 HSc)

The Wet Lab is utilized for sample analysis and contains state-of-the-art equiptment for assessing chemical and biological activities in samples

Research Activities

Our People

Shelley Kirychuk
Laboratory Director

Brooke Thompson
Laboratory Manager

Niels Koehncke
Occupational Medicine Physician

Merle Massie
Professional Research Associate

Katie Thompson
Research Assistant

Sheila Naytowhow
Research Assistant

Pezhman Zolfaghari Didani
PhD Student
Elimination of Airborne Pathogens by Catalytic Ozonation

Sheila Naytowhow
MSc Student

Alejandra Castillo Toro
MSc Student
Evaluation of ambient air and air constituents in close proximity to livestock operations


Mina Movasaghi
MSc Student
Development of a Cold Plasma for Egg Shell Decontamination

Pardis Keshavarz
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Name Position
Naiela Anwar Undergraduate Summer Student
James Matheson Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bioscience Technology Practicum Student
Khushnoor Bath Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bioscience Technology Student
Samantha Whittingham Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bioscience Technology Practicum Student
Yingjie Yang MSc Student
Jordan Si MSc Student
Olasoji Awoyera MSc Student
Eric Russell MSc Student
Justene Quarrasi MSc Student
Akwasi Owusu Kyem MSc Student
Shiva Aminian MSc Student
Olanayi Abayomi PhD Student
Kaitlin Merkowsky PhD Student
Upkardeep Pandher PhD Student, Post Doctoral Fellow
Amanda Nascimento Post Doctoral Fellow
Alexandra Belotta Post Doctoral Fellow
Myra Martel Post Doctoral Fellow
Arcadio Viveros Guzman Post Doctoral Fellow
Charly Nolting Research Assistant/Hygiene Technician



Contact us

Laboratory Director

Dr. Shelley Kirychuk, BScN, MSc, MBA, PhD
Professor, Director of the Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health
Phone: 306-966-6649

Laboratory Manager

Brooke Thompson
Laboratory Manager, Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health
Phone: 306-966-6154

Mailing Address

OHH Lab c/o Dr. Shelley Kirychuk
Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health 
University of Saskatchewan
104 Clinic Place PO Box 23
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 2Z4  

Visit Us

Health Sciences E-Wing 1331 or 2D10 HSc
Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health 
University of Saskatchewan
104 Clinic Place PO Box 23
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 2Z4