Occupational Hygiene and Health Dry Lab
This laboratory (1331 E-wing) is utilized for storing, maintaining, operationalizing and calibrating the exposure assessment equipment.
Sampling Pumps

- Flow Range: 5 – 5000ml
- Run Time: up to 40 Hours
- Suitable for low flow gas/vapor or high flow particulate sampling
- Flow correction for changes in temperature
- Wt: 1.3 lbs

- Flow range, 0.005 to 5 L/min, suitable for dust sampling and vapour sampling
- Battery life: 20 + hours at 2L/min, 10 hours at 5L/min
- Colour touch screen navigation with easy programming
- Compact, lightweight design
- Patented isothermal internal flow sensor
- Powerful Li-ion battery for long run times
- Large backlit LCD with protective screen cover
- Highly visible pump run and fault status LEDs
- Automatic, hands free calibration using CalChek

- Flow Range: 20 - 5,000 ml/min
- Flow Modes: Constant Flow or High and Low Flow Constant Pressure
- Dock Functions Battery charging, computer interface, and auto-calibration
- Run Time: 8 hour minimum
- Wt: 1.3 lbs

- Flow Range: 1000 to 5000 ml/min
- Holds constant flow to ± 5% of set-point
- Run Time: 12 hrs minimum at 4000 ml/min and 20 inches water back pressure
- Built-in rotameter with 250-ml division
- The pump is ideal for use with sorbent tubes, filter cassettes, size-selective samplers, sample bags, and impingers.
- Wt: 2.2lbs

Protects sample and pump from contamination
Sample does not pass through the pump
Sample contacts only inert tubing and bag
- Small for sample volumes up to 1 liter
- Large for sample volumes up to 8 liters

- Flow Range: 5 to 15 L/min
- The Leland Legacy provides the high flows and long run times of a vacuum-style pump in a compact, portable, and battery-operated sampler.
- Run Time: 24 hours
- Impact Sampler: PM2.5 or PM10

- Flow Range: 5 to 15 L/min
- Run Time: up to 4 Hours
- Easy Hand-held Operation
- No-tool Calibration
- Easily accommodates spore trap cassettes or filter cassettes including microvacuum cassettes
- Wt: 2lbs

- Flow Range: 10 to 30 L/min
- Run Time: up to 14 Hours
- Easy Hand-held Operation
- No-tool Calibration
- Ideal for use with impactors, microvacuum cassettes, and spore traps.
- Wt: 4.2lbs

- Flow Range: 2 to 30 L/min
- It is ideal for asbestos background and clearance sampling following NIOSH, SHA or EPA methodology and for ambient dust monitoring.
- Run Time: up to 8 Hours
- Wt: 9.5lbs
Bioaerosol Sampling

The SASS® 3100 Smart Air Sampler System is a compact, rugged microprocessor-controlled portable air sampler designed for use with state-of-the-art electret filter media. It is ideal for collecting biological and radioactive aerosols. In independent tests performed by third parties, it has outperformed all competitors in collection efficiency and suitability.
- Flow rate: 50 - 300 LPM
- Collection media: Standard Filter Cartridge Assembly (electret filter)
- Run time: hours to days
- Temperature Operation Range: -40° to 70°C
- Can be operated in all weather conditions (comes with a rain guard)
Application Areas
- Medical facilities
- Public health
- Clean rooms
- Food processing
- UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles)
- Agriculture
- Indoor air quality
- Environmental monitoring
- National security

The Biosampler has complete glass construction that allows for easy cleaning, sterilising, autoclaving and reuse. Using the patented swirling liquid collection method it minimises re-aerosolization and particle bounce while preserving the integrity and viability of collected bioaerosols. The Biosampler provides greater sampling efficiency over longer sampling times and the collected bioaerosols can be analysed by a variety of methods.
Flow Range: 12.5 L/min
Run time: up to 8 hours
Collection media: Non-evaporative liquids (ie. PBS, bacteria culture broth)
- Indoor air quality investigations
- Infection control in health care settings
- Quantification of microorganisms in environmental samples
- Biological research
- Infectious disease investigations in public buildings
- Safety concerns in the food handling industry
Workplace exposures investigations

Flow Rate: 1 L/min
Collection media: Non-evaporative liquids (ie. PBS, bacteria culture broth)
- Personal and workplace exposure measurements
- Indoor air quality measurements

- Aerobiology
- Aerosol Research
- Occupational Hygiene
- Biohazard Exposure Testing

Flow rate: 2L/min for thoracic and 2 or 8L/min for respirable
Collection media: 37 mm filters (PVC, PTFE)
Analysis: Gravimetric or chemical

The Button Sampler is ideal for low level personal or area inhalable sampling. It is a filter sampler with a porous curved-surface inlet designed to improve the collection characteristics of inhalable dust (100 µm aerodynamic diameter), including bioaerosols for total (viable plus non-viable) microbial count. Its conductive stainless steel inlet reduces electrostatic effects. The evenly spaced holes act as sampling orifices for multi-directional sampling. The proximity of the filter to the inlet minimises transmission losses and provides for equal distribution of particle loading and low intersample variation. The Button Sampler uses 25 mm filters, and filters with pore sizes greater than 1 µ
- Flow rate: 4L/min
- Collection media: 25mm Filters (PVC, PTFE, Glass Fibre)
- Analysis: Gravimetric (inhalable dust)
- Small and lightweight
- Autoclavable
- Low sensitivity to wind direction and velocity
- Suitable for collecting bioaerosols for viable and non-viable analysism are recommended to lower back pressure and to enhance sample times with personal sample pumps.
Monitors, Detectors, and Sensors

The Thermo Scientific Model pDR1500 Aerosol Monitor utilizes the highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology.
From site remediation monitoring to health effects studies to construction/demolition projects, the pDR-1500 provides the power and flexibility to provide both real-time results and gravimetric validation. At 2.6lbs, it's as easy to wear it on a belt or at a fixed location.
- relative humidity compensation
- true volumetric flow pressure
- pressure compensation
- legacy pDR nephelometry technology, includes interchangeable cyclones for superior particle-cut points available for PM10 & PM4 or PM2.5 & PM1, as well as an integrated sample filter that enables post-gravimetric validation of all data.
- Wt: 2.6lbs

The Thermo Scientific Model ADR1500 Dust Monitor utilizes the highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology. The intensity of the light scattered by airborne particles passing through the sensing chamber is linearly proportional to their concentration. This optical configuration produces optimal response to particles, providing continuous measurements of the concentrations of airborne particles for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1.
Wt: 28.5lbs
Key Features:
- Volumetric flow control
- Modular optics and long-life primary HEPA filter for ease of servicing
- Durable, weatherproof IP65 enclosure
- Additional values can be displayed: run start time and date, time-averaged concentrations, elapsed run time and many more
- Flexible power capabilities allow the ADR1500 to operate on AC (100-240 VAC), external DC (12-24 VDC) or an internal battery
- Communications options are available for USB, RS-232, analog and wireless capability
- Compact and durable instrument is ready for rapid deployment and unattended operation
- A top-mounted handle allows for easy transport and installation with mounting options available for wall, post or tripod locations
Recommended for: Site remediation; Alarm conditions; Asthma studies;Exposure monitoring; Fugitive dust monitoring; Perimeter monitoring; Area monitoring

The Cerex MiniHound series point gas detectors are portable multi-gas analyzers developed to detect part-per-billion (ppb) to percent level concentrations of multiple gases within a mixture. The MiniHound produces laboratory quality results in real-time using ultraviolet light absorption – similar to traditional infrared detectors, but features lower detection limits on many human health hazards and does not interfere with water vapor. All Hound series analyzers come standard in a weather-resistant case with an integrated display, active ambient air sampling, and wireless communication. The FR options are well suited for smoky or dusty environments with a faster sample rate and replaceable glass fiber sub-micron sample filter.
- Operating Temperature: 0 to 45ºC
- Wt: 33.5lbs
- Battery Life: 3.5hrs
- Input Particulate Filter: 5 Micron
- Sample Intake Rate: 424.75 L/min

DustTrak DRX Aerosol Monitor can simultaneously measure both mass and size fraction. The DustTrak DRX handheld monitor is a battery operated, data-logging, light-scattering laser photometers that gives you real-time aerosol mass readings. It uses a sheath air system that isolates the aerosol in the optics chamber to keep the optics clean for improved reliability and low maintenance. It is suitable harsh industrial workplaces, construction and environmental sites and other outdoor applications. The DustTrak DRX handheld monitor measures aerosol contaminants such as dust, smoke, fumes and mists.
- Simultaneously measure size-segregated mass fraction concentrations corresponding to PM1, PM1, PM10 and Total PM size fractions
- Aerosol concentration range 0.001 to 150 mg/m3
- Battery Life: 6 hours or 12 hours with 2 batteries
- Wt: 3.3lbs

- Simultaneously measure size-segregated mass fraction concentrations corresponding to PM1, PM2.5, respirable, PM10 and Total PM size fractions
- Aerosol concentration range 0.001 to 150 mg/m3
- Battery Life: 6 hours with 1 battery (Handheld and Desktop Model) or 12 hours with 2 batteries (Desktop model)
- Wt: 3.3lbs (Handheld), 5.5 lbs (Desktop)

The HD-1004 can be used for a variety of applications including lead, concrete/cement, toxic soil remediation, cadmium, paint spray, dry chemicals, coal, grinding dust, wood/paper, tobacco smoke, oil mist, silica, welding fumes, pharmaceutical and construction dust. The sensor design that allows the interchange of sampling heads for inhalable, thoracic and respirable separations. The in-line disposable filter cassette allows the user to simultaneously collect filter samples for further gravimetric or chemical analysis.
The unit logs statistics such as TWA, STEL, Maximum and Minimum and they can be instantly viewed on the display. The internal user adjustable alarm can be preset to alert the user of approaching threshold limits.
- Data Logging
- Optional Wireless Data Transmission
- Battery Life: > 8hrs
- Wt: 1.5lbs

The QUESTemp°™ 36 simplifies heat stress management efforts with real-time guidance on stay times and work/rest regimens.
- Real-time readings for wet/dry bulb, globe, WBGT indoor/outdoor, relative humidity and heat index.
- Optional remote sensors for up to (3) simultaneously monitored areas.
- Rated intrinsically safe.
- Data logging.
- Battery Life: 300hrs
- Wt: 2.6lbs

The EVM-7 monitors both particulates and air quality in one compact instrument.
- Simultaneous measurement of particulate (0.1-10 um), CO, CO2, VOC, Temperature and Relative Humidity concentrations.
- Measurement Parameters; Avg, Level, Max, Min, STEL, TWA
- Data Logging
- Battery Life: 8hrs
- Wt: 1.13lbs

The Q-Trak IAQ Monitor is a handheld, multi-function test instrument which features a menu-driven user interface for easy operation and provides quick, accurate information to measure and assess key IAQ parameters.
- Data Logging
- Log Intervals: 1 second up to 1 hour
- Wt: 0.8lbs
- CO: 0 to 500 ppm
- CO2: 0 to 5,000 ppm
- Temp: 0 to 60oC
- RH: 5 to 95% RH
- Barometric Pressure: 517 to 931 mmHg
- VOC: 1 to 2,000 ppm
- Temp: -10 to 60°C
- Velocity: 50 to 6,000 ft/min (0.25 to 30 m/s)
- Temp: 0 to 60oC

The VelociCalc® 9545 model has a telescopic straight probe. Ideal for optimizing HVAC system performance, commissioning, plant maintenance, critical environment certification and duct traverses. This meter simultaneously measures and data logs several ventilation parameters using a single probe with multiple sensors.
- HVAC System Performance
- Duct Traverses
- Data Logging
- Calculates volumetric flow, and actual/standard velocity
- Displays % relative humidity, wet bulb and/or dew point temperature

The Edge personal noise dosimeter series offers users a compact lightweight unit that mounts easily to the shoulder. Its large display with easy-to-use interface provides crucial information at a glance.
- LED indicator can be programmed to flash when dose level has been exceeded
- Battery Life: 60hrs
- Data Logging
- Intrinsically Safe
- Measurement Parameters: Dose, SPL, Peak, Upper Limit (UL), TWA, Identity Field, SEL (Lep), Run Time, Threshold, Exposure, Lavg/Leq, Max, L(C-A), Projected Dose, Min
- Wt: 0.2lbs

The SoundPro has real-time frequency analysis and data storing capabilities. Octave band analysis enables environmental noise monitoring, noise enforcement, and noise control evaluation.
- Preamp can be easily removed to enable interference-free low-level monitoring, especially for environmental noise applications
- Optional acoustic spectral curves, speech intelligibility and reverberation add-ons enable advanced monitoring and analysis functions.
- Battery Life: >10hrs
- Data Logging
- Measurement Parameters: SPL, Dose, Sel, Peak, TWA, Taktm, Ldn, Ln, PDOSE, 1/1 Octave, CNEL, Exposure, C-A, Lavg/Leq, 1/1 and 1/3 Octave, Max, RT-60, Min
- Time Response: Fast, Impulse, Slow
- Wt: 1.2lbs

The SoundPro Outdoor Measuring System helps protect the instrument from exposure to wind, rain, snow, chemicals, particulates, animals, vandalism and theft.
It is also used for extended battery life with up to one week of continuous monitoring.

The ALTAIR 4X is an extremely durable Multigas Detector that simultaneously measures up to four gases from a wide range of combustible gases, O₂, CO, H₂S, SO₂ and NO₂. Its digital sensor output makes it less likely to suffer from RF interference. The unit features exclusive MotionAlert, which lets others know if the user has become immobile, and InstantAlert, a manual alarm that alerts others of potentially dangerous situations.
- Run Time: 24 hours
- Data Logging
- Weight: 0.5lbs

The ALTAIR 5X Multigas Detector boasts several options that provide maximum safety and make it easy to use in even the most demanding situations. It features large buttons for easy use, and its polycarbonate housing protects the detector for drops of up to 10 ft (3 m). The detector also boasts the exclusive MotionAlert™, which lets others know if the user has become immobile, and InstantAlert™, a manual alarm that alerts others if a dangerous situation has arisen. The ALTAIR 5X is capable of measuring up to 6 gases simultaneously and is driven by advanced MSA XCell® Sensor Technology. These sensors offer superior response time, stability, accuracy, and reliability together with an extended service life
- Detectable Gases: O2, CO, CO2, H2S, S02, Cl2 and NH3
- Run Time: 24 hours
- Most sensor response and clear times <15 seconds
- Rapid bump test gives results in under 10 seconds for most common sensor configurations
- Detects levels in LEL and/or volume percentage range
- Data Logging
- Weight: 1lbs

The Pac III is a flexible and variably suitable single-gas detector for the accurate and precise measurement of H2S.
- RF shielded
- Measuring Ranges: Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0 to 100 ppm at 1 ppm resolution
- Alarm Level: 95 dB
- Alarm levels can be set for TWA and STEL
- Data Logging: 125 hours at 1-minute intervals
- Run Time: 600 Hours
- Wt: 1lb

- Measuring Ranges: Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0 to 100 ppm at 1 ppm resolution
- Alarm: 10 ppm (low) | 20 ppm (high) > 90db 2-tone alarm
- Run Time: 2-Years with no calibration required
- Large display with bright backlight
- Data Logging: Up to 60 Events
- Wt: 0.23lbs

Sensor Concentration range: 0 to 100 ppm NH3
Diffusion sampling
Continuous data logging with a 3 month capacity
Configurable datalogging from 1 to 3600 seconds
Interchangeable field- replacable electrochemical sensors
- Agriculture
- Chemical
- Fire Service/HazMat
- Food and beverage
- Oil and gas
- Pharmaceutical
- Pulp and Paper
- Steel manufacturing
- Water and waste water industries

Maximum Particle Concentration: 107 particles/cm3
Particle Size Range: 0.1 to 100 um
Run time: Several hours, non-stop
Mass Flow (particles): 0.04 – 430 g/h (with an assumed compacted density of 1 g/cm3)
- Calibration of particle measurement devices
- Flow visualization
- Inhalation tests
- Tracer particles for LDA, PIV, etc.
- Coating of surfaces
Human and Animal Exposure Laboratory

Unrestrained Whole Body Plethysmograph chambers enable researchers to monitor respiratory parameters such as Breaths-per-Minute (BPM), Tidal Volume, Minute Volume, Inspiratory time, Expiratory time, Pause and Enhanced Pause (PenH) from unrestrained animals using FinePointe Software.
Unrestrained Whole Body Plethysmography chambers help to: improve animal welfare by reducing handling or restraint of subjects; conduct high quality, reproducible experiments in animal subjects; and reduce the risk of human error with automated diagnostics and calibration.
- Integrated bias flow ports to ensure proper fresh air exchange
- Circular chamber with removable top to ease subject loading Integrated bias flow ports to ensure proper fresh air exchange
- Perforated removable floor to ease cleaning of chamber
- Integrated water bottle port
- 22mm diameter top port supports: Nebulizer, Temperature and Humidity probe, or other exposure methods
- Patented pneumotach noise suppression design
- Dose Response Studies
- Gas Challenges
- COPD and Asthma Studies
- Respiratory Assessments
Brooke Thompson (brooke.thompson@usask.ca)

Accessible ports for monitors or probes
- Gas exposures
- Particulate matter exposures