USask farm shoulder study shows research in action at Ag in Motion
The Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health (CCRAH) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) partnered with industry to conduct much-needed research at the recent annual Ag in Motion outdoor agricultural show near Langham, Sask., July 16-18, 2024.
Dr. Angelica Lang (PhD), faculty lead of the musculoskeletal and ergonomics lab at the centre, is researching shoulder movement during basic farm tasks to better understand how common shoulder injuries develop in farmers.
“At first, I thought I’d go to Ag in Motion to recruit farmers. We’ve been visiting farmers on their own farms to conduct the study, so I thought the event would be a great opportunity to recruit participants,” Lang said.
To read the full USask news article about the Centre's Ergonomics Lab at Ag in Motion, click here!