
  • Ph.D. Psychiatry (Special Case in Psychiatric Epidemiology), University of Saskatchewan (2009)
  • MA, Sociology, University of Saskatchewan (2001)
  • Advanced Certificate, Sociology, University of Saskatchewan (1995)
  • Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, University of Saskatchewan (1994)

Areas of Interest

  • dementia epidemiology
  • depressive disorders, particularly among individuals with dementia
  • rural health services for individuals with dementia
  • rural/remote health care professionals
  • primary health care


Research Grants

  • Morgan, D. (Program Leader), Kosteniuk, J. (Co-Investigator), O’Connell, M. E. (Co-Investigator), Kirk, A. (Co-Investigator), Stewart, N. (Co-Investigator), Acan Osman, B., Auer, S., Bourassa, C., Bracken, J., Dal Bello-Haas, V., Defontaines, B., Farmer, J., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Innes, A., Jacklin, K., Malloy-Weir, L., Miller, W., Mou, H., Osgood, N., Osman, M., Parrott, E., Quail, J., Rohatinsky, N., Seitz, D., Walker, J. (Program Experts). Design and evaluation of integrated primary health care practices for dementia in rural and remote settings. $2,336,491. Foundation Grant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. July 2016 – June 2023. Role: Co-Investigator.
  • Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). $31,500,000 [CIHR Partners $22.55 million; External Partners $10.305 million] (April 2014-March 2019): Howard Chertkow NPI; Principal Investigators: Debra Morgan +46 others. Role: Co-applicant.