
Dr. Morgan is a Professor and Chair, Rural Health Delivery, at the Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health (CCRAH) at the University of Saskatchewan. After obtaining her Registered Nursing diploma in 1974 she worked in various clinical areas before completing her BSN (1986), MN (1989), and PhD (Nursing, 1996) at the University of Saskatchewan. The following three years were spent as a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Founding Chairs Program of the CCHSA (1996-1997) and the Alzheimer Society of Canada (1997-1999).

In 1999 Dr. Morgan joined the faculty of the CCHSA (then the Centre for Agricultural Medicine), where she held a CIHR New Investigator Award (1999 to 2004), a CIHR New Emerging Team Grant (2003-2010), and CIHR-SHRF Applied Chair in Health Services & Policy Research (2009 - 2015).

Dr. Morgan was the Rural Lead of Team 20 (Dementia Care in Rural and Indigenous Populations) in the CIHR Canadian Consortium in Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA Phase 1, 2014 to 2019). In Phase 2 of CCNA (2019-2024) she is co-lead of Team 15 (formerly CCNA Team 20) with Dr. Megan O'Connell. Dr. Morgan is also the Lead of a 7-year CIHR Foundation Grant “Design and evaluation of integrated primary health care practices for dementia in rural and remote settings” (2016-2023).

Areas of Interest

  • Rural health service delivery for individuals with dementia and their caregivers
  • Primary healthcare and chronic disease management models for dementia care in rural and remote settings
  • Integrated knowledge translation and exchange

Rural Dementia Action Research (RaDAR) Website

For more detailed information about Dr. Morgan's research program, the interdisciplinary RaDAR team, publications and projects related to rural and remote dementia care, visit the RaDAR website.

Publications available on RaDAR website and Google Scholar