![](https://cchsa-ccssma.usask.ca/images/news/2018/Shelley Kirychuk.jpg)
SHRF Collaborative Innovation Development grant
CCHSA researchers awarded a SHRF grant
Dr. Shelley Kirychuk, College of Medicine and the Canadian Center for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA), is among 12 U of S researchers awarded Collaborative Innovation Development grants by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) for 2017-18.
Her research project is “Mold as a respiratory risk factor for rural populations” with co-applicants including Drs. George Katselis, Joshua Lawson, and Vivian Ramsden. The overall goal of this project is to assess if measures of mold in dust samples from rural Saskatchewan homes (rural and First Nations) are associated with respiratory health outcomes of residents of the home. (https://shrf.ca/Health-Research/Recipient-Details?recipID=4412)
Congratulations to Dr. Shelley Kirychuk and her team!