The “Invest in Your Health” program is an Occupational Health and Safety program for the students of agricultural colleges.

Kendra Ulmer, RN, BSN, MN Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture with AgriSafe Staff David Sullivan, Agriculture Safety Specialist and Carolyn Sheridan, RN, BSN Clinical Director

This program assists college students in establishing and maintaining life-long health and safety behaviors. It also empowers students to understand agricultural health and safety risks and become their own health advocate. The three basic principles of this program are: educate, prevent, and protect.

The Invest in Your Health Program was presented during week of March 1-3, 2017 at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK and Parkland Trades and Technology Center College in Yorkton, SK. Students benefited from an interactive lecture, demonstration of personal protective equipment, review of appropriate resources and a PPE Start Up Kit. Students also had the opportunity to receive blood pressure screening, BMI and hearing screening.

The Canadian Center for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA) and AgriSafe Network in the US are collaborating with agricultural colleges to provide this occupational health and safety program in Canada. This program is designed for colleges to select an educational module to best meet the needs of students and incorporates into their existing college courses. CCHSA and AgriSafe are looking forward to reaching their second year project goal of educating and providing the Invest in Your Health Program to 400 students in Saskatchewan and Alberta in 2017.

CHS foundation is the financial sponsor of this program and 3M Canada has generously donated personal protective equipment to be given to the students as part of a PPE Start Up Kit.

For more information