Photo is Network staff participating in the grain safety rescue training.

Grain Safety Training

CCHSA is excited to support CASA as they develop and promote a new national grain safety program to address the frequency of grain entrapments in Canada.

By Kendra Ulmer, RN, BSN, MN Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture University of Saskatchewan

As part of this program, the Agricultural Health and Safety Network staff had the opportunity to participate in Grain Entrapment training on July 19-21, 2016 in Bloomington Illinois. Network staff received formal training in general grain safety prevention education and grain entrapment rescue. This training will be applied to both a grain entrapment demonstration and a rescue training unit set to be used across Canada.

The Network is looking forward to the opportunity to share this new demonstration and rescue training unit with Saskatchewan farm families and first responders in rural communities! The grain safety program will assist farmers to learn more about grain safety in order to prevent grain entrapments and will allow for a new delivery of grain entrapment rescue training for rural first responders.

For more information on the grain safety program and background on why grain entrapment occurs view