Drs. Debra Morgan, Julie Kosteniuk and Catherine Trask

CCHSA Research on TV: Dementia Care and Back Research

CCHSA research was featured on CTV's Farmgate program this week.

Debra Morgan, Julie Kosteniuk and the Rural Dementia Action Research Team were featured during the Team’s 9th Annual Summit of the Knowledge Network in Rural and Remote Dementia Care which brings together about 100 researchers, clinicians, family care givers and patients. The summit featured 30 conference posters describing local and National research results, as well as networking  and sharing about the challenges of and solutions for rural and remote dementia care.

Catherine Trask spoke about the ongoing study Walking away from chronic low back pain, and how walking can help with low back pain. Since farmers may have decreased access to hands-on care, a self-management intervention like walking can be particularly useful to them.

To view the segments, go to the Farmgate media site and pick the episode from October 29, 2016. Debra Morgan 12:20; Catherine Trask 14:30