Congratulations Drs. Bath, Crockett, and Team

Drs. Brenna Bath and Katie Crockett along with team members Dr. Marwa Farag, Anne-Marie Graham, Christine Epp, Dr. Hayley Legg and Dr. Oluwakemi Awe were awarded a Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation Grant in partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Foundation.

Dr. Brenna Bath Awarded CoMRAD/SCPOR Funding

Project: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Physical Therapist Led Education and Exercise Program for People Living with Osteoarthritis Awaiting Hip or Knee Total Joint Arthroplasty. CONGRATULATIONS!

Young Innovator: College of Medicine Health Science graduate student, Tayah Zhang

MHAC is proud to have Young Innovator, College of Medicine Health Science student, Tayah Zhang as part of the team! Tayah is conducting a research project that partners with Indigenous community members to examine more culturally responsive ways to assess and communicate with Indigenous patients about chronic musculoskeletal pain. Tayah, along with supervisor Dr. Stacey Lovo (PhD), assistant professor in USask’s School of Rehabilitation Science, are partnering with many Indigenous communities across Saskatchewan to co-develop community-directed needs assessments and pain scales.

Congratulations Dr. Stacey Lovo and team!

Congratulations to MHAC researcher Dr. Stacey Lovo, co-PIs Dr. Brenna Bath, Dr. Jaris Swidrovich and Dr. Scotty Butcher on being awarded the 2020-2021 Solutions- IMPACT Grant funded by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation.