Picture of  Lorene Jewitt

Lorene Jewitt

104 Clinic Place, P.O. Box 23, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 2Z4

Background Education, Training, Experience:

Lorene has a B.F.A. from the University of Regina and experience working with the Division of Media of Technology, at the University of Saskatchewan as a Media Producer, where she researched, wrote, directed and edited educational documentaries as well as managing budgets, client relationships and equipment resources from 1998 - 2006.  She has also past experience working with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1990 – 1996, as a technician and talent coordinator.  She has worked as a continuity writer, a registration assistant and a bookkeeper with various independent companies and served as the Executive Chair of the Regina office of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television in the early 90’s.

Role at the Centre:

In her role as the Program Manager/Administrative Assistant for the Canadian Center for Health and Safety in Agriculture, Lorene is responsible for ensuring that the CIHR-funded project, Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture is following the plan as outlined in the grant application.  She is also responsible for ensuring that the CIHR-funded graduate training program, Public Health and the Agricultural Rural Ecosystem (PHARE) is following the plan as outlined in the grant application. 

Other tasks Lorene performs include: a) organizing teleconferences and face-to-face committee meetings; b) obtaining information from other agencies; c) development and revision of CCHSA forms; d) communicating with researchers, students, policy makers, and health professionals on a daily basis; e) accepting applications for faculty release time and overseeing the review process for these applications; f) accepting applications for pilot projects and overseeing the review process for these applications; g) managing the financial transactions and preparing the agreements for pilot projects and faculty release time; h) ensuring that the awardees submit annual evaluations/reports and that project financials and evaluations/reports are received; h) managing the financial transactions and preparing the agreements for recipients of PHARE awards.


Living With Hope, First Place Gold Camera Award, U.S. International Film and Video Festival, 2005.

Your Child Has PDD/Autism: The Elementary Years, Award of Merit, Columbus International Film and Video Festival, 2003.

SARC: The People Matters, The Work Matters, Golden Sheaf Award Nomination, Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, 2003.

Your Child Has PDD/Autism: What Every Parent Needs to Know, Creative Excellence Certificate, U.S. International Film and Video Festival, 2001.

Other Skills and Interests:

  • Teaching and working with children and adults in Christian education.
  • Reading, gardening, organizing community social events.